Monday, December 28, 2009

It's a Major Award!

Me: It's a Major Award!
Dave: Shucks, I wouldn't know that. It looks like Scrapbook stuff.
Me: What Scrapbook stuff, you nincompoop? It's a Major Award. I won it!
Dave: Darn, heck, you say won it?
Me: Yeah, mind power, Dave; mind power.
As many of you know, or have figured out from my past postings, Dave and I spent our Christmas in Chicago. Today is the first official day back. And my special prize from TAAFOMFT has been patiently awaiting my arrival back home.
All I can say is I hit the mother load! whooo-who!
I want to thank Chris and all the other TAAFOMFT designers for my very special prize!
I love everything and can't wait to start creating...
Thank you from the bottom of my heart..


  1. That looks like some pretty fun loot!! Congrats again! Hope you're thawed out from the frosted tundra of Chicago :)

  2. What a great prize, and much deserved!

  3. Wow..awesome prize...Enjoy!!!
    Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy new year with lots of everything wonderful!

  4. Enjoy all of the goodies! Looks like you will be busy for awhile with more projects.

  5. I didn't realize you won an award until tonight! Congratulations!
    I can't believe how much scrapbooking you get done. Amazing!
    I saw the pictures of the quilt too!
    It is so pretty!
